LoanInpt Loan Calculator Form1 Label3 Term: Label1 Principal: inPrinc inTerm Label2 Rate (%): inRate FileMenu &File PrintTableCommand &Print Table SaveTableCommand &Save Table ExitCommand E&xit PrincMenu &Principal Increment $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 RateMenu &Rate Increment 0.125% 0.25% 0.50% Text1D Text2v Combo1 Command1 Command2 Command3& Picture1 Picture2J Label1 Label2 Label3r Text1_Change Form_Click InPrinc InRate SaveTabl PrntTabl InTerm Options ExitButtonJ BadInputm Calc_Click TitleX CalculateTable CurPrincInc CurRateInc8 @ ShowTable6 Princb deltaP- yrRate deltaRl years StartPrinc StartRatex paymentTable displayTable tempP tempRV PaymentT MoRate Months LoanTabl FontName= FontSize FontBold False OutTable @ Form_Load LoanOpts PrntTabl_Click Printer TempStr spLenE Options_Click0 ExitButton_Click OutDest SaveTabl_Clickz LoanInpta Frame1 Frame2 OkOptsb princMenu princInc rateMenu rateIncr% outMenu{ dest8 princInc_Click Index Value rateIncr_Click Label1_Click dest_Click Check CheckedC Rateo ExitOpt ExitOpt_ClickW PrintTableR SaveTablek PrintTable_Click. SaveTable_Click MenuPrintTable MenuSaveTable MenuPrintTable_Click MenuSaveTable_Click inTerm_Change FileMenu PrintTableCommand SaveTableCommand ExitCommandr FormTable PRange RRange RJust InStringl JustWidth PrintTableCommand_Click SaveTableCommand_Click FileName ExitCommand_Click PInc_Click RInc_Click, SelectWholeText InTextBox SelStart SelLengthY InPrinc_GotFocus InRate_GotFocus inRate_DragDrop Calc_GotFocus ReadCommandLine InLine FirstSpace SecondSpace GetFocus LoanInpt.FRMM Declarationss Define True and False constants.. Declare output table arrays.n Declare flag for input errors. Declare increment variables End of declarations for LoanInpt.FRM Form_Load Build the drop-down list for the Term combo box. 4 years" 5 years" 10 years 15 years 20 years 30 years Initialize the increment values.d Read the user-supplied command line.n Form_Load Calc_Click Produce the output table when the user clicks the Calc button. Read the input values and convert them to numbers.) Check for input errors or missing values, and display an error message if necessary. Input values are not valid." Loan Parameters" If input is OK, calculate and display the loan table. Calc_Clicki CalculateTable Build the payment table in the output arrays: -- FormTable$ is the for displaying the table.% -- OutTable$ is for printing and saving the table.% Calculate the starting principal and rate for the table, given the current increment values.f Compute the first column and row of the table.t $#,######" 0.00%" Fill in the rest of the table. $#,####.00 CalculateTable ShowTable Display the payment table in the LoanTabl form. Output widths. Tms Rmn" Special treatment for the target" payment amount, displayed in bold. ShowTable RJust Right-justify a string within a width. RJust$ PrintTableCommand_Click Print the payment table.1 PrintTableCommand_Click SaveTableCommand_Click Save the table as a text file.t LoanTemp.Txt SaveTableCommand_Click# ExitCommand_Click Terminate the program performance.b ExitCommand_Click PInc_Click Calculate the principal increment value, using the Index number of the* currently selected option button. Uncheck the old option and check the new. Recalculate the table.l PInc_Click RInc_Click Determine the rate increment value, using the Index number of the currently selected option button. Uncheck the old option and check the new. Recalculate the table.l RInc_Click Payment Calculate the monthly payment.M Payment SelectWholeText Highlight current entry when thes user selects a text box.w SelectWholeText InPrinc_GotFocus Highlight current entry when. text box is selected. InPrinc_GotFocus InRate_GotFocus Highlight current entry when text box is selected. InRate_GotFocus ReadCommandLine Read the user-supplied command line. The line should be in the format: principal rate term where one or more spaces separate eacha numeric data item. This routine ignores any command line that does not conformo to this format. $ Continue only if InLine is not blank. Find locations of two space-character a separators. Eliminate any extra spaces. Continue only if separators are present.. Enter the loan parameters from the command line.d Use Val and Str$ to convert any non-numeric n input value into "0". ReadCommandLine